Marie Caffrey Earth Office CEO & Founder

The Earth Office Story

Welcome to my world of landscaping! My name is Marie and it is my job and passion to bring the beauty of nature to office spaces. For over two decades, I have dedicated myself to the art of landscaping within Ireland, UK, Europe, Nordics and the Middle East as a Director of Universal Floral, a cherished family-run business started by my parents with a legacy of over 55+ years in Dublin. 

I firmly believe that a connection to nature goes beyond aesthetics; it enhances the well-being of individuals and breathes life into the very essence of a workspace. 

EarthOffice was developed to work alongside clients on how to include planting as part of their office strategy, what greenspaces to showcase within their workplace, the locations where to introduce particular planting and better placement and finally how to use biophilia to grow their workplace culture such as using nature as part of company days.

As an advocate for greener offices, I strive to revitalise corporate spaces into lively, eco-friendly havens while embracing and enriching the unique cultures of each company.

We specialise in large-scale landscaping projects where communication and attention to detail are key. Through our trusted network and team, we bring our expertise from conceptualizing landscaping projects to delivering on time while also maintaining a beautiful green workspace 365 days a year.

What We Stand For

Our mission is to offer the best plant service for your workspace on time, within budget and with a flourishing after- service. We currently operate throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa regions and continue to supply over 800 happy customers.

Our vision is to engage our client to experience and enjoy a sustainable green office 365 days of the year.

Core Values:

  • We recognise we all have a part to play
  • We have a relentlessness passion for exceptional service
  • We choose to approach each day with positive engagement

Our Commitment

  • A positive visual appearance for all landscaping areas to promote workforce productivity
  • Every location to feel valued and to receive a caring maintenance package
  • A collaborative service conducted professionally throughout the EMEA region.
  • Sustainability-driven supply and delivery considerations
  • Innovation and forward-thinking to bring new ideas to the client, improving the overall landscaping experience
  • Increasing value for money through considering cost in service delivery alongside long-term commitment over the landscaping portfolio.

Our Team

Who We Work With

Office managers
Facility managers
Real estate developers
Procurement specialists
Interior Designers

Earth Office Team picture with planting

Our Client Community

In The Press

Featured in an article in the prestigious Die Zeit magazine in Germany.

Dei Zeit No 9 Earth Office Feature

Get in Touch

Let’s discuss your next landscaping project. Apply for a complimentary quotation.

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